Tuesday, June 1, 2010

JUNE: An Original Acrostic

We had the most beautiful weather this past Memorial Day weekend. It was sunny, dry, and warm. I did yard work, sat outside on my back deck and read, and visited with one of my nieces on Saturday and Sunday. (My husband and my niece's family were up in Maine.) I brought dinner to my niece's both days. We couldn't sit outside on Saturday and eat the eggplant lasagna that my husband had made before he left because of the pesky mosquitoes. It was breezy on Sunday...so the little bloodsuckers weren't around to annoy us as we sipped mojitos and ate homemade lobster rolls. YUM!!!

Here's an acrostic to welcome the new month:

Just as spring grows weary, Mother Nature
Ushers in a brand
New season of sun and fun.
Everyone cheers for summer and the end of school.


Anonymous said...

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

I do not cheer about the end of school. It means I have kids wanting to be entertained when I could be writing.

laurasalas said...

I'm with Kelly.

But, I do like your poem:>) Especially the image of Mother Nature ushering...great U word!